Monday, February 7, 2011

Winter Voyage: Part 6 of 8: Switzerland

As I mentioned, our time in Zurich was also much more dominated by hanging out with Swiss than by going on tours or to museums. The only tour we took was the one led by our host Kimbal, again a friend of Caitlin's. Although he didn't have much to say about the sights, it was great just to walk around and see it all. This is one of the most expensive streets (in the world??):

It was lined with Louis Vuitton, Jimmy Choo, and austere Swiss banks. Under our feet here were tons of Swiss gold (clockwise from top-left: Caitlin, Ivy, me):

We made it a point to at least try to see or experience Swiss clocks, Swiss banks, Swiss cheese, Swiss knives, and Swiss chocolate:

This is the lake:

Our last night there Kimbal invited a bunch of his friends over and we had cheese fondue and hung out. We put in a solid, though unsuccessful, effort to get his friend Merlin to yodel for us. It was a fun experience, but it was really too big of a group for us to really connect, I think. In any case it wasn't quite as socially fulfilling as Dublin was.

All in all Zurich was really beautiful. It was also astonishingly clean and orderly. And I loved so many products in the supermarkets (specifically the yogurts and chocolates). Downside? Everything was SO EXPENSIVE. We were so lucky to be able to stay in someone's home here.

Our way out was a train to Italy. We passed through some really beautiful scenery with mountains, lakes, and villages. Next stop? PASTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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